07704 520205

What We Believe

God has made Himself known

We believe that God, Who describes Himself as “the God of Jacob”, has revealed Himself to all people everywhere uniquely through His Son Jesus, who was understood by His earliest disciples to be Lord.

We believe that Jesus is Lord and He is also Israel’s Messiah – and that means the World’s Messiah too.

The Bible

We believe that the Bible adequately and completely reveals God’s purposes. In the Bible’s own words, “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path” (Ps 119: 105).

Life’s struggles

At Lighthouse our beliefs match our experience as individuals, that Jesus gives meaning, purpose and direction to our lives. Furthermore, in Jesus is found ‘salvation’ from the presence, effects and power of rebellion against God – what the Bible calls sin. By God’s grace we really can defeat sin!

We are supposed to enjoy life. We know that life can be hard, for all people. Yet Jesus was crystal clear “I have come in order that you might have life – life in all its fullness” (John 10:10). At Lighthouse we reckon that following Jesus gives us that wonderful opportunity to enjoy life in all fullness, as God intends. And this is for all people. It’s for you, too!

The Way

The earliest followers of Jesus were called “the people of the Way”. That’s what we want to be. Jesus told us to “seek the Kingdom”, and that’s what we try to do, day in and day out …..

You and Jesus

You are made in the image of God! What does this mean? Hopefully at Lighthouse we can “cast some light” on this amazing truth.

Jesus described Himself as “the way, the truth and the life”. What does that mean? And how does this speak to each one of us, today?

We’d love to share some thoughts with you on that, and on other amazing truths that Jesus taught.

Jesus or Yeshua?

Jesus is the Anglicized version of Jesus’ Hebrew Name – Yeshua. We use both terms interchangeably.

The best English translation of the meaning of the name Yeshua is “The Lord is Salvation” or “The Lord Saves”. Whether we use English or Hebrew, we need to keep the meaning of this special Name firmly in view.

Contact Us

Office: PO Box 212, Saffron Walden CB10 2UU
Phone: 07704 520205

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